“Belonging: Making Time” (February 10, 2019)

from Acts 2:42-47

Somehow we have allowed ourselves to become convinced that busyness equals fruitfulness. The reality, however, is not that we are left admiring all that we’ve accomplished…rather, we are often left just trying to hang on. Though the invitation to a healthy rhythm and the command to rest, the truth is, many of us are simply committed to things we can’t readily drop or opt out of.

So rather than put off taking our next step in belonging…rather than waiting until we get through “this busy season” (which never seems to come)…what if we reimagined what it could look like to be connected….to BELONG to the Body of Christ? What if we allowed God to redefine how our time is spent?

w/ Vern Collins

“Summer Reading: Relentless (Telling THE Story)” (August 13, 2017)

from Acts 28:30-31

“This thing is meant to feel fragile, that we are meant to feel fragile most of the time, because it keeps us fixed on something that we can’t always see…an idea that you bear in you this story that really matters….”

w/ Vern Collins