(May 15, 2022) “And a Little Child Shall Lead Them: Answering the Call”

from 1 Samuel 3:1-12

The wonder…the curiosity…the faithfulness of children shows up throughout Scripture. Jesus welcomed children and challenged His disciples to become more childlike if they hoped to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. What can we learn from children about following Jesus? What can we learn from children about what it means to be faithful? What can we learn from children about what it looks like to grow in our relationship with God? What can we learn from children about how we learn to say “yes” when God calls?

w/ Jeff McClain

“More to the Story: David” (July 24, 2016)

from 1 Samuel 16:1-13

Have you ever struggled under the weight of wondering whether or not you measure up?  Have you ever struggled with feeling like you just don’t have what it takes?  Have you given yourself over to people or things in order to try and be seen as worthy, or acceptable?

If any of things are or ever have been true, then know that God does not measure you by the standards the world measures, and God is not looking for the same things in you the world is demanding.

God looks beyond the measurable and looks to the heart…and when you begin to embrace that truth, not only does it change the way you approach God, but it changes the way you approach challenges and the world around you.

w/ Vern Collins