“Hearing God’s Voice” (May 5, 2019)

from Numbers 22:22-35

On a special one-off Sunday (which serves as a perfect insert in our “Encounters With Jesus” series), we recognize that as a school year wraps up, as people are preparing for transition, as one chapter ends and a new one begins, the question often asked is, “what is God’s plan for my life?”

From Creation, to the Heavens, to God’s Spirit, God is speaking…drawing us in…revealing Who He is to us. The question is, can we hear Him? Are we able to recognize God’s voice when it comes?

w/ Lory Beth Huffman

“Healing Connections: Listening Well” (October 14, 2018)

from James 1:19-21

It takes no intentional effort to hear.  Hearing is merely our body’s ability to perceive sound.  Listening however, requires an intentional action.  The ability to perceive sound, and then process what it is and what it means.  I wonder how many of us confuse the two.

Or to push that a bit further, I wonder how many of us when we do listen, listen in a way that values and honors the other person.

In our 2nd week of our “Healing Connections” series we are challenged with what it means not only to listen, but to listen with humble attentiveness.

w/ Vern Collins

“Transitions: Listen” July 12, 2015

from Mark 9:2-8

We came away from week 1 of our “Transitions” series daring to believe that transitions not only carry the possibility of being good, but also necessary for what God desires to teach us…about Who He is…about who we are…not only does God teach in the midst of transition, but He is faithful to use transition to prepare us for what is next.
So knowing that God is not surprised by your circumstances, that God does not waste time, and that He knows you intimately…just how do you go about allowing God to maximize the transitions in your life to the fullest extent?
Listen.  That’s it.  Listen to Him.  That’s the starting point.  That’s the instruction for the journey…listen.
w/ David Hockett