(September 19, 2021) “All Things Made New: A New Heart”

from Jeremiah 31:31-34

In our seven week series, “All Things Made New,” we consider the work that Jesus is doing in this world…a work that we don’t have to wait until time has reached its fulfillment to experience, but that we can experience and be a part of now!

God’s promises to us are faithful and true. If it is God’s Covenant that stands, why do we so often feel like God is not present with us in times of trouble, or not answering our requests the way we would like? If it’s not God Who is unfaithful, perhaps it is our own hearts we need to examine.

The invitation to live in the fullness of God’s love is simply an invitation to respond to a love that is unwavering. May we do so and find our hearts being made new!

w/ Jeff McClain