(December 18, 2022) “A Thrill of Hope: Someone Greater”

from Isaiah 7:10-16

J.B. Phillips writes, “The towering miracle of God’s visit to this planet on which we live will be glossed over, brushed aside or rendered impotent by over-familiarity.” Advent season comes and goes each year, and yet our hopes remain. 

What if, this year we allowed the deep longing we carry inside us for this world to be different…to be the catalyst for seeing the hope of the season of Advent anew? Rather than becoming numb to the miracle of the incarnation…of Emmanuel, “God with us,” we listen back to the words of the prophet Isiah and hear this promise that God has not and will not leave us alone…that He has come and that He is coming again. 

May the thrill of such hope stir in our hearts an expectation for God to move anew in our lives.

w/ Vern Collins