(April 30, 2023) “Stewards of Hope: Presence”

from Acts 2:42-47

While there are a number of places that we seek to root our hope in this life: people, policy, institutions, the pursuit of wealth…all of them will at some point come up short. In the Easter Season, we are reminded, however, that of the hope of the Cross and the Resurrection of Jesus that not only bears up under the weight of hope we place upon Him, but transforms our lives in the process. 

This hope is a gift…it is nothing we’ve earned…and not something we get to keep for ourselves. The question becomes, then…how are we stewarding the gift of hope we’ve been given…and what are those things that keep us both rooted in that hope, and propel us to share it with those we come in contact with every day? 

For these 5 weeks we will look at the first 9 chapters of Acts and consider the role that Prayer, our Presence, our Gifts, our Service, and our Witness within our own lives and through the life of the church might just be used to transform us and the world around us.

w/ Vern Collins