from Matthew 6:19-21, 24
In all of the natural world, humans have the greatest proclivity toward collecting things. Sure, there are animals that store away food, but with the intention of consuming it when there is no food to gather. Humans, however, collect things that may never have an purpose beyond essentially taking up space. Whether you hold on to furniture, trinkets, finances, or the latest technology…chances are there are things you have that you simply do not need. And yet, too often, it is the “stuff” that holds our focus more than anything else. Having it. Acquiring it. Longing for it. Keeping it safe. We worry a great deal about things in our world that ultimately only have a fleeting value.
Jesus, on the other hand, suggests that the treasure we store up ought to have an eternal value to them…that instead of storing up treasure on this part, we store up treasure in heaven. When we hold that teaching up next to the simple manner in which Jesus was born into this world, then storing up Kingdom treasure looks a lot less like material investment and much more like becoming preoccupied with the hearts of others.
w/ Vern Collins