(4.9.2023) EASTER-“A Costly Journey: Costs Us Our Hopelessness”

from Luke 24:13-35

On this Resurrection Day, we are invited to consider the reality that an empty tomb, a Savior Who meets us on the road of our questions, doubts, and fears, costs us the very hopelessness that would stop us in our tracks, faces downcast.

We are invited instead to root our hope, not in things of this world that can never truly bear up under the weight of expectation we place on them, rather to root our hope in Christ, the One Who has always been present, and Who stands in power over everything that would steal our hope and joy.

And then, we find that living in the Hope of Christ, we have one of the greatest gifts imaginable to share with the world around us…the promise that this is not all there is!

w/ Vern Collins