(July 3, 2022) “Summer in the Psalms: Psalm 30-The Journey and the Goal”

from Psalm 30

Walter Bruggemann says of the Psalms: “On the one hand, Israel’s faithful speech addressed to God is the substance of the Psalms.  The Psalms do this so fully and so well because they articulate the entire gamut of Israel’s speech to God, from profound praise to the utterance of unspeakable anger and doubt.  On the other hand, as Martin Luther understood so passionately, the Psalms are not only addressed to God…They are the voice of the Gospel, God’s good word addressed to God’s faithful people.”

Where do you need to be given permission to be honest with God? With what you are feeling. With your frustration. With sadness, or disappointment, or fear, or anger. With great joy and thanksgiving. This summer journey with us as the reality of what it means to be human collides with the goodness and unending faithfulness of God.

w/ Vern Collins

(June 26, 2022) “Summer in the Psalms: Psalm 138-With Your Whole Heart)

from Psalm 138

Walter Bruggemann says of the Psalms: “On the one hand, Israel’s faithful speech addressed to God is the substance of the Psalms.  The Psalms do this so fully and so well because they articulate the entire gamut of Israel’s speech to God, from profound praise to the utterance of unspeakable anger and doubt.  On the other hand, as Martin Luther understood so passionately, the Psalms are not only addressed to God…They are the voice of the Gospel, God’s good word addressed to God’s faithful people.”

Where do you need to be given permission to be honest with God? With what you are feeling. With your frustration. With sadness, or disappointment, or fear, or anger. With great joy and thanksgiving. This summer journey with us as the reality of what it means to be human collides with the goodness and unending faithfulness of God.

w/ Vern Collins

(June 19, 2022) “Summer in the Psalms: Psalm 51-Receiving Grace”

from Psalm 51

Walter Bruggemann says of the Psalms: “On the one hand, Israel’s faithful speech addressed to God is the substance of the Psalms.  The Psalms do this so fully and so well because they articulate the entire gamut of Israel’s speech to God, from profound praise to the utterance of unspeakable anger and doubt.  On the other hand, as Martin Luther understood so passionately, the Psalms are not only addressed to God…They are the voice of the Gospel, God’s good word addressed to God’s faithful people.”

Where do you need to be given permission to be honest with God? With what you are feeling. With your frustration. With sadness, or disappointment, or fear, or anger. With great joy and thanksgiving. This summer journey with us as the reality of what it means to be human collides with the goodness and unending faithfulness of God.

w/ Ben Fitzgerald

(May 12, 2022) “Summer in the Psalms: Psalm 100-Thanksgiving”

from Psalm 100

Walter Bruggemann says of the Psalms: “On the one hand, Israel’s faithful speech addressed to God is the substance of the Psalms.  The Psalms do this so fully and so well because they articulate the entire gamut of Israel’s speech to God, from profound praise to the utterance of unspeakable anger and doubt.  On the other hand, as Martin Luther understood so passionately, the Psalms are not only addressed to God…They are the voice of the Gospel, God’s good word addressed to God’s faithful people.”

Where do you need to be given permission to be honest with God? With what you are feeling. With your frustration. With sadness, or disappointment, or fear, or anger. With great joy and thanksgiving. This summer journey with us as the reality of what it means to be human collides with the goodness and unending faithfulness of God.

w/ Vern Collins

(May 29, 2022) “And a Little Child Shall Lead Them: Legacy”

from Psalm 78:1-7

The wonder…the curiosity…the faithfulness of children shows up throughout Scripture. Jesus welcomed children and challenged His disciples to become more childlike if they hoped to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. What can we learn from children about following Jesus? What can we learn from children about what it means to be faithful? What can we learn from children about what it looks like to grow in our relationship with God? What can we learn from children about how we learn to say “yes” when God calls?

w/ Vern Collins

(May 22, 2022) “And a Little Child Shall Lead Them: Authentic Faith”

from 1 Timothy 4:11-16

The wonder…the curiosity…the faithfulness of children shows up throughout Scripture. Jesus welcomed children and challenged His disciples to become more childlike if they hoped to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. What can we learn from children about following Jesus? What can we learn from children about what it means to be faithful? What can we learn from children about what it looks like to grow in our relationship with God? What can we learn from children about how we learn to say “yes” when God calls?

w/ Vern Collins

(May 15, 2022) “And a Little Child Shall Lead Them: Answering the Call”

from 1 Samuel 3:1-12

The wonder…the curiosity…the faithfulness of children shows up throughout Scripture. Jesus welcomed children and challenged His disciples to become more childlike if they hoped to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. What can we learn from children about following Jesus? What can we learn from children about what it means to be faithful? What can we learn from children about what it looks like to grow in our relationship with God? What can we learn from children about how we learn to say “yes” when God calls?

w/ Jeff McClain

(May 8, 2022) “And a Little Child Shall Lead Them: Linger”

from Luke 2:41-52

The wonder…the curiosity…the faithfulness of children shows up throughout Scripture. Jesus welcomed children and challenged His disciples to become more childlike if they hoped to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. What can we learn from children about following Jesus? What can we learn from children about what it means to be faithful? What can we learn from children about what it looks like to grow in our relationship with God? What can we learn from children about how we learn to say “yes” when God calls?

w/ Vern Collins

(May 1, 2022-Combined Confirmation Service) “And a Little Child Shall Lead Them: Claim Your Inheritance”

from John 1:12-13

The wonder…the curiosity…the faithfulness of children shows up throughout Scripture. Jesus welcomed children and challenged His disciples to become more childlike if they hoped to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. What can we learn from children about following Jesus? What can we learn from children about what it means to be faithful? What can we learn from children about what it looks like to grow in our relationship with God? What can we learn from children about how we learn to say “yes” when God calls?

w/ Ed Glaize (for our special Confirmation Service, celebrating 13 of our student saying “yes” to life with Jesus)

(April 24, 2022) “I Am Willing-Be Clean”

from Luke 5:12-16

Healing Service

We are all in some way, desperate for the healing touch of Jesus. Do you recognize the areas in which you need to be made whole? Are you willing to humble yourself before the Lord and receive the wholeness that He offers? Imagine what shape your life might begin to take if you sought Him for all He can offer…and imagine the way you might begin to reach into the brokenness of others and offer them Jesus.

w/ Vern Collins

(April 17, 2022) “The God We Can Know: I Am the Resurrection and the Life”

from John 11:17-26

On this Resurrection Day, we hear Jesus’ statement, “I Am the Resurrection and the Life.” Jesus speaks this hopeful truth into the midst of disappointment and sadness and loss. It is not only a promise of the possibility of eternity with Him, but an invitation to life in which there is hope in the midst of our darkest place and our deepest confusion.

“Do you believe this?”

w/ Vern Collins

(April 10, 2022) “The God We Can Know: I Am The Way and The Truth and the Life”

from John 14:1-7

As we journey through the season of Lent, we are invited to seek the God Who is seeking us, to find that God is, in fact, a God we can know. And as we journey through the wilderness of Lent and encounter Jesus in the “I Am” statements which we are examining, we might just find that not only are we deepening our understanding of this God Who came near, but we might encounter the depth of our need for Him.

w/ Vern Collins

(April 3, 2022) “The God We Can Know: I Am the True Vine”

from John 15:1-11

As we journey through the season of Lent, we are invited to seek the God Who is seeking us, to find that God is, in fact, a God we can know. And as we journey through the wilderness of Lent and encounter Jesus in the “I Am” statements which we are examining, we might just find that not only are we deepening our understanding of this God Who came near, but we might encounter the depth of our need for Him.

w/ Vern Collins

(March 27, 2022) “The God We Can Know: I Am the Good Shepherd”

from John 10:1-14

As we journey through the season of Lent, we are invited to seek the God Who is seeking us, to find that God is, in fact, a God we can know. And as we journey through the wilderness of Lent and encounter Jesus in the “I Am” statements which we are examining, we might just find that not only are we deepening our understanding of this God Who came near, but we might encounter the depth of our need for Him.

w/ Vern Collins

(March 20, 2022) “The God We Can Know: I Am the Light of the World”

from John 8:12

As we journey through the season of Lent, we are invited to seek the God Who is seeking us, to find that God is, in fact, a God we can know. And as we journey through the wilderness of Lent and encounter Jesus in the “I Am” statements which we are examining, we might just find that not only are we deepening our understanding of this God Who came near, but we might encounter the depth of our need for Him.

w/ Vern Collins

(March 13, 2022) “The God We Can Know: I Am the Bread of Life”

from John 6:25-35

As we journey through the season of Lent, we are invited to seek the God Who is seeking us, to find that God is, in fact, a God we can know. And as we journey through the wilderness of Lent and encounter Jesus in the “I Am” statements which we are examining, we might just find that not only are we deepening our understanding of this God Who came near, but we might encounter the depth of our need for Him.

w/ Ed Glaize

(March 6, 2022) “The God We Can Know: Knowing the Great I Am”

from Exodus 3:1-14

As we journey through the season of Lent, we are invited to seek the God Who is seeking us, to find that God is, in fact, a God we can know. And as we journey through the wilderness of Lent and encounter God in the “I Am” statement which we are examining, we might just find that not only are we deepening our understanding of this God Who came near, but we might encounter the depth of our need for Him.

w/ Vern Collins

(February 27, 2022) “Love Redeemed: Loving Like Jesus”

from John 15:9-17

Over the course of these 7 weeks, our prayer is that we are able to wrestle back from the world, and allow Scripture as well as the life of Jesus redeem for us what we understand love to be.

What would it look like to begin to prioritize seeking the loving heart of God over other things that we tend to make more important in our lives? What would it look like to allow ourselves to be truly loved by God…to prioritize reaching out in love for those around us? How might your life begin to look different? How might the church begin to look different if this is where the emphasis were placed? Not that seeking wisdom and the exercising of the gifts ceased to be important, but were never MORE important than the task of loving God and loving others…

w/ Jeff McClain

(February 20, 2022) “Love Redeemed: Rooted and Established”

from Ephesians 3:14-21

Over the course of these 7 weeks, our prayer is that we are able to wrestle back from the world, and allow Scripture as well as the life of Jesus redeem for us what we understand love to be.

What would it look like to begin to prioritize seeking the loving heart of God over other things that we tend to make more important in our lives? What would it look like to allow ourselves to be truly loved by God…to prioritize reaching out in love for those around us? How might your life begin to look different? How might the church begin to look different if this is where the emphasis were placed? Not that seeking wisdom and the exercising of the gifts ceased to be important, but were never MORE important than the task of loving God and loving others…

w/ Vern Collins