“God’s Faithfulness in: Friendship” August 24, 2014

“God’s Faithfulness in: Friendship

1 Samuel 18:1-4

w/ Vern Collins


Do you remember how easy friendship used to be?  How effortless play was?  Somewhere along the way as we grow, however, friendship becomes not only a source of joy, but of stress, drama, heartache and pain in our lives.  Perhaps an understanding of what God-honoring friendship looks like might just change our understanding on what it means not only to have friendship, but to be the right kind of friend.

From week 5 of our “Faithfulness of God” series we look at the beginnings of the friendship between Jonathan and David found in  1 Samuel 18:1-4 and consider that in God-honoring friendship, we have one of the most tangible examples of God’s Faithfulness in our lives.

“God’s Faithfulness in: Transition” (from Combined worship gathering) August 17, 2014 w/ Jason Byassee

We tend to operate in predictability.  Many of us work very hard to create a predictable flow in our lives.  But what happens when something interrupts that or we are forced out of the predictable into the unknown?

From our Combined worship Gathering on August 17th, we look at Numbers 11:4-23 and consider where God might just prove Himself faithful in the midst of transition in our lives; in the midst of the unknown.

“Faithfulness in: Plenty” August 10, 2014

“Faithfulness in: Plenty” (w/ Jeff McClain)


from Deuteronomy 15:1-11


From week 3 of our our “Faithfulness of God” series:
We tend not to think of needing the fruit of God’s faithfulness in seasons of plenty, rather it when times are difficult that we need God to be faithful…
How might our lives look different if we began to understand that God might just be asking us to be faithful in those seasons of plenty, and in doing so we might see God’s faithfulness to others displayed through us?


“Faithfulness in: Covenant” July 27, 2014

“Faithfulness in: Covenant” (w/ Vern Collins)

from Genesis 17:1-8

What is the source of your hope?  What have you placed your trust in?  What is the substance of relationships that you have with others? Is it trust?  

In week 1 of our “Faithfulness of God” series, we look at the foundation of God’s faithfulness…and from His encounter with Abraham in Genesis 17, we see that God is first, faithful to His promises.  What if you embraced God’s promises for your life?  What would change?  How would you live each day?  As we look at Abraham, we must consider that there is something transformative that takes place in us when we choose to walk on the foundation of what God has promised us.  

“Signs of Life: Invite to Life” July 20, 2014

“Signs of Life: Invite to Life” (w/ Vern Collins)

from Acts 17:16-34

In the final week of our “Signs of Life” series, we look at the outworking of all of our other measures: “When have I invested and invited others into life in Christ?”  If you are a follower of Christ, then you know that sharing the Gospel is not merely meant to be a suggestion, it is meant to be what flows out of our lives, yet for many of us it feels awkward at best.  Bringing the Gospel into the lives around us tends to feel out of context and trite in this world that offers everything, yet in reality it is the only thing that matters.  What if we had a different perspective on what it means to share the Gospel and invite others into life with Christ?

“Signs of Life: Friends & Enemies” July 13, 2014

“Signs of Life” Friends & Enemies” (w/ Vern Collins)

In week 6 of our “Signs of Life” series we look at the measure that both demands the most of us and is perhaps the greatest measure of whether or not we are becoming more like Jesus.  From Acts 16:25-34 we see what seems to be an interesting response to an unpleasent situation…until we dig in to the heart of what Paul and Silas have experienced as followers of Christ.


“Signs of Life: True Worship” June 29, 2014

“Signs of Life: True Worship” (w/ Vern Collins)

In week 4 of our “Signs of Life” series, we ask the question, “Where did worship send me this week?”  In order to answer that question, we must deal with our understanding of worship.  In Acts 13:1-3, we look at the calling and sending of Barnabas and Saul and what created the environment for God to call them and set them apart.

“Signs of Life: Alongside” June 22, 2014 (w/ Luke Edwards)

In week 3 of our “Signs of Life” series, we look at the Measure, “Have I walked with someone not like me this week?”  From Acts 8:26-40, Philip’s encounter with the Etheopian Eunuch challenges us with what God is able to do when we are willing to enter into relationship with those “outside” of our natural circles…


Welcome to the new blog for messages and media from Crossroads at Boone United Methodist Church.

Crossroads is one of three Sunday morning worship gatherings that make up the Boone United Methodist Church family (we have 2 gatherings that meet at 8:45 and 11:00 in our main sanctuary).

Boone United Methodist Church exists for “Loving our community and inviting all to discover life in Christ,” and Crossroads is just ONE of the ways we seek to fulfill that mission.

Our Crossroads gathering meets in our church Family Life Center (or gym) at 10:55 on Sunday mornings.  There you will find uplifting worship, relevant and engaging messages, and a warm and welcoming atmosphere that allows you to engage with Jesus and His  church no matter where you are in your journey.

Each week you will find the audio for the messages from our Sunday morning gatherings.  You can download or stream them right here on the blog, or subscribe to our podcast feed on iTunes (search Crossroadsboone).

For more information about who we are as a church, please visit our church website at www.booneumc.org