“Life Cycle: Birth” (November 23, 2014)


from Luke 1:26-38

In John 10, Jesus makes this promise that He has came to offer “life to the FULL.”  In our “Life Cycle” series we have spent time looking at the elements of such a life of following Jesus, and are left with the challenge of pursuing Him toward leaving a legacy worth following.
The question is, “what do you do when that journey is interrupted?”  How do you handle interruption?  How do you handle those moments, or people, or that news that comes in and seems to derail your journey?  Do you ignore them?  Do you follow them?  Do you become embittered by them?
What if the key to journeying well was not less interruption, but embracing more of the right interruption?
In Luke’s account of Jesus’ birth we see Mary’s life interrupted in a creation-shattering sort of way, and yet rather than ignore this interruption or become frustrated by it, we see Mary embracing it…and teaching us something incredibly significant in the process.
(w/ Vern Collins)

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