from Matthew 6:16-18
For these few weeks leading up to the season of Lent we are invited to consider what it is that is forming us…what it is that is shaping us. Are you being swapped along by the currents of the culture in which you are living or are you willing instead to choose something that goes against the current and is counter-cultural, rather is rooted in this Kingdom that has come and is coming? What might it look like to spend the season of Lent choosing a digital fast; choosing to fast from that which is most distracting in our world today, and choosing instead to be filled, formed, and shaped by Christ and His longing to draw you into deeper connection with Himself?
w/ Vern Collins
from Genesis 1:31-2:3
For these few weeks leading up to the season of Lent we are invited to consider what it is that is forming us…what it is that is shaping us. Are you being swapped along by the currents of the culture in which you are living or are you willing instead to choose something that goes against the current and is counter-cultural, rather is rooted in this Kingdom that has come and is coming? What might it look like to spend the season of Lent choosing a digital fast; choosing to fast from that which is most distracting in our world today, and choosing instead to be filled, formed, and shaped by Christ and His longing to draw you into deeper connection with Himself?
w/ Vern Collins
from Romans 12:1-2
For these few weeks leading up to the season of Lent we are invited to consider what it is that is forming us…what it is that is shaping us. Are you being swapped along by the currents of the culture in which you are living or are you willing instead to choose something that goes against the current and is counter-cultural, rather is rooted in this Kingdom that has come and is coming? What might it look like to spend the season of Lent choosing a digital fast; choosing to fast from that which is most distracting in our world today, and choosing instead to be filled, formed, and shaped by Christ and His longing to draw you into deeper connection with Himself?
w/ Ben Fitzgerald
from Acts 4:32-37
Typically when we think of stewardship in connection with the life of the church, “money” is the thing that comes to mind. While the way we utilize what God has provided for us is certainly something we are called to consider, what if the real invitation to stewardship were something much deeper and much more costly…and as a result, much more fruitful and beautiful? For these 4 weeks we are going to consider the invitation to steward all that God has given us…not just as a decision we make once a year, but as a way of life that is truly reflective of all that we have been granted in Christ.
w/ Vern Collins
from 1 Chronicles 28:1-10
Typically when we think of stewardship in connection with the life of the church, “money” is the thing that comes to mind. While the way we utilize what God has provided for us is certainly something we are called to consider, what if the real invitation to stewardship were something much deeper and much more costly…and as a result, much more fruitful and beautiful? For these 4 weeks we are going to consider the invitation to steward all that God has given us…not just as a decision we make once a year, but as a way of life that is truly reflective of all that we have been granted in Christ.
w/ Ben Fitzgerald
from Joshua 24:14-18
Typically when we think of stewardship in connection with the life of the church, “money” is the thing that comes to mind. While the way we utilize what God has provided for us is certainly something we are called to consider, what if the real invitation to stewardship were something much deeper and much more costly…and as a result, much more fruitful and beautiful? For these 4 weeks we are going to consider the invitation to steward all that God has given us…not just as a decision we make once a year, but as a way of life that is truly reflective of all that we have been granted in Christ.
w/ Vern Collins
from Genesis 28:10-22
Typically when we think of stewardship in connection with the life of the church, “money” is the thing that comes to mind. While the way we utilize what God has provided for us is certainly something we are called to consider, what if the real invitation to stewardship were something much deeper and much more costly…and as a result, much more fruitful and beautiful? For these 4 weeks we are going to consider the invitation to steward all that God has given us…not just as a decision we make once a year, but as a way of life that is truly reflective of all that we have been granted in Christ.
w/ Vern Collins
from Luke 3:15-18, 21-22
On this the “Baptism of the Lord” Sunday we are invited to consider the significance of the baptism of Jesus. What was Jesus stepping into in stepping in to the waters of the Jordan? What was so compelling about the invitation and challenge of John? What does this mean for us and how are we to follow?
w/ Vern Collins
from Matthew 2:1-12
While there is little detail (other than what Matthew records) that is known about the Magi, the fact that he records this visit from these strangers in his Gospel account invites us to lean in, to consider our own journey, to consider what we are in pursuit of…and to consider what might be better?
w/ Vern Collins
from Luke 2:1-7
As familiar as the Christmas Story is for so many of us, what is it about this season; this world-changing moment in time that we need to hear year after year? Why does it matter? Why the same scriptures, the same story? Hasn’t Christ already come? Indeed He has, but we are promised that He is coming again. And if His coming meant and means for us the renewal of Hope, of Joy, of Love and Peace, then perhaps we ought to seek the arrival of those truths once again and consider how we might live life in the reality of an already and coming King.
w/ Vern Collins
from Luke 2:8-20
As familiar as the season of Advent is for so many of us, what is it about this season; this time leading up to Christmas that we need to hear year after year? Why does it matter? Why the same scriptures, the same stories? Hasn’t Christ already come? Indeed He has, but we are promised that He is coming again. And if His coming meant and means for us the renewal of Hope, of Joy, of Love and Peace, then perhaps we ought to seek the arrival of those truths once again and consider how we might live life in the reality of an already and coming King.
w/ Vern Collins
from Luke 1:26-38
As familiar as the season of Advent is for so many of us, what is it about this season; this time leading up to Christmas that we need to hear year after year? Why does it matter? Why the same scriptures, the same stories? Hasn’t Christ already come? Indeed He has, but we are promised that He is coming again. And if His coming meant and means for us the renewal of Hope, of Joy, of Love and Peace, then perhaps we ought to seek the arrival of those truths once again and consider how we might live life in the reality of an already and coming King.
w/ Vern Collins
from Luke 1:67-80
*Christmas Cantata Combined worship gathering*
As familiar as the season of Advent is for so many of us, what is it about this season; this time leading up to Christmas that we need to hear year after year? Why does it matter? Why the same scriptures, the same stories? Hasn’t Christ already come? Indeed He has, but we are promised that He is coming again. And if His coming meant and means for us the renewal of Hope, of Joy, of Love and Peace, then perhaps we ought to seek the arrival of those truths once again and consider how we might live life in the reality of an already and coming King.
w/ Ed Glaize
from Luke 1:5-38
As familiar as the season of Advent is for so many of us, what is it about this season; this time leading up to Christmas that we need to hear year after year? Why does it matter? Why the same scriptures, the same stories? Hasn’t Christ already come? Indeed He has, but we are promised that He is coming again. And if His coming meant and means for us the renewal of Hope, of Joy, of Love and Peace, then perhaps we ought to seek the arrival of those truths once again and consider how we might live life in the reality of an already and coming King.
w/ Vern Collins
from Habakkuk 3:16-19
When things are going well rejoicing can feel as natural as breathing…but what about when the challenges and the pain of life come? Where does rejoicing go? Is it possible to rejoice when life’s challenges come? Is there value in rejoicing during difficult seasons? Most importantly, is there REASON for rejoicing when the challenges of life come? The prophet Habakkuk has much to offer about the posture of prayer, the importance of remembering, and the choice of rejoicing that can change one’s perspective on present circumstances.
w/ Vern Collins
from Matthew 5:3-16
What is the witness of the church in a divided world? What is the witness of the church in a divisive political season? Is the witness wrapped up in supporting a given leader? In voting a given way and encouraging others to do so? Or is the witness of the church rooted in something much deeper…much more lasting? What if, considering Jesus’ words in his prayer recorded in John’s gospel, we find that our witness might be broader reaching and much more lasting by seeking together to live into who Jesus calls us to be…both as His hands and feet in this world, but also as a reflection of the fullness of Who God is as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? Over the course of these few weeks we will consider the WHY and then some of the HOW we might seek to be Church Together in a divided time.
w/ Vern Collins
from Philippians 2:1-14
What is the witness of the church in a divided world? What is the witness of the church in a divisive political season? Is the witness wrapped up in supporting a given leader? In voting a given way and encouraging others to do so? Or is the witness of the church rooted in something much deeper…much more lasting? What if, considering Jesus’ words in his prayer recorded in John’s gospel, we find that our witness might be broader reaching and much more lasting by seeking together to live into who Jesus calls us to be…both as His hands and feet in this world, but also as a reflection of the fullness of Who God is as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? Over the course of these few weeks we will consider the WHY and then some of the HOW we might seek to be Church Together in a divided time.
w/ Ed Glaize
from 1 Corinthians 1:10-17
What is the witness of the church in a divided world? What is the witness of the church in a divisive political season? Is the witness wrapped up in supporting a given leader? In voting a given way and encouraging others to do so? Or is the witness of the church rooted in something much deeper…much more lasting? What if, considering Jesus’ words in his prayer recorded in John’s gospel, we find that our witness might be broader reaching and much more lasting by seeking together to live into who Jesus calls us to be…both as His hands and feet in this world, but also as a reflection of the fullness of Who God is as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? Over the course of these few weeks we will consider the WHY and then some of the HOW we might seek to be Church Together in a divided time.
w/ Vern Collins
from Ephesians 2:11-22
What is the witness of the church in a divided world? What is the witness of the church in a divisive political season? Is the witness wrapped up in supporting a given leader? In voting a given way and encouraging others to do so? Or is the witness of the church rooted in something much deeper…much more lasting? What if, considering Jesus’ words in his prayer recorded in John’s gospel, we find that our witness might be broader reaching and much more lasting by seeking together to live into who Jesus calls us to be…both as His hands and feet in this world, but also as a reflection of the fullness of Who God is as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? Over the course of these few weeks we will consider the WHY and then some of the HOW we might seek to be Church Together in a divided time.
w/ Vern Collins