(January 12, 2020) “A Simple Message”

from Matthew 3:1-12

The call to repent is at the heart of the Gospel invitation…and yet, for so many it has left a bad taste in the mouth of those who hear it. What we stopped hearing the call to repent at the end of a pointing finger, and instead heard it as a hope-filled invitation to something new?

John’s is a simple message full of opportunity.

Perhaps you might hear it again for the first time…

w/ Vern Collins

“Advent Conspiracy: Give More” (December 11, 2016)

from Luke 3:7-18

There is something about Advent that begs the question, “why?”

“Why would God send His Son to this earth?”  More specifically, perhaps, “what is it in my life that I am incapable of taking care of on my own?”

In our Advent passage this morning we find John the Baptist in the wilderness, in light of the Christ Who has arrived and is about to begin His ministry, calling people to repent…to turn from what they thought gave them worth, and turn to a new understanding of who they are and what life is meant to look like.

And in this we catch a glimpse that the Gospel might just be about more than the individual…that maybe it is about those around us too.

w/ Vern Collins

“New Beginnings: Identity” (January 10, 2015)

from Luke 3:15-18, 21-22

You often look at the start of a new year as an opportunity to examine your life and make changes toward becoming the person you really want to be…

Whether that is to be a healthier person, a kinder person, a more patient person, a more prompt person, a stronger person…whatever the case, a new year tends to mean a fresh start…a chance to make a change.

The question becomes, why is making a change so important?  Why do we spend so much time and energy and money toward making these change?  Because for so many people, identity is found in how one performs, how one perceives self…how one is perceived by others.  The problem is, this can be an exhausting roller coaster of self love and self loathing, of being sure of who one is and in the next moment have more questions than answers when it comes to self.

The reality is, we are all a mess…and yet there is a truth we find and embrace in baptism that calls us to the end of our search for identity…because in baptism, you are invited to embrace the truth that before you acted-good or bad, you are the beloved of God.

*NOTE-in this week’s recording we have chosen not to edit out the invitation to baptism and remembrance of baptism.  Normally, the audio would not include the invitation to respond (be it to prayer, communion, or in this case-baptism), as it is to receive something tangible for those who are gathered on Sunday morning.  However, it seems appropriate given the message to include the invitation…it is an invitation to all, to remember that you are the beloved of God, or to embrace for the first time the truth that you are the beloved of God…may you find your identity in that hope!

If you would like to speak with one of our pastors you may do so by finding us online at www.booneumc.org

w/ Vern Collins

“Expectations: Pointing the Way” (December 20, 2015)

from Luke 1:57-80

Have you ever thought of yourself as a tour guide?  While you may not make a living directing sightseers, you are living a life that people are watching.

With that said, the question becomes: what is the life your living pointing to?  In the way you spend your time, energy, finances…the passions you pursue…what does your life point to as being of utmost importance?  Is it truly worth pointing others to?

What if, in this Christmas season, you began living a life pointing to Jesus?

w/ Vern Collins

“Dreamers: Come and See” (August 23, 2015)

from John 1:35-51

Have you experienced something so amazing that you wanted to tell everyone you know…yet at the same time, you didn’t really want to tell anyone because you were afraid of what might happen to that experience?
How have we come to the place where we treat the Gospel the same way?  How have we come to the place where we treat the Hope found in Jesus like something we want to protect for our own?  Jesus is God’s dream for humanity, God’s dream in the flesh…open for all…and yet so many are never invited into the dream.
Perhaps being reminded of your own invitation into the dream…perhaps being reminded that the invitation we offer to others was never meant to be complicated…it was meant to be as simple as, “Come and See.”
w/ Vern Collins